Four Body Positive Podcasts to Add to Your Summer Playlist

Are you a fan of podcasts? I love listening to them when I travel or even while I sit at my desk. They often provide a great way to hear new ideas or reinforce ideas that already matter to you.

body positive podcasts

This summer, I’d love to encourage you to check out a few of my favorite body positive podcasts. Not only can these help reinforce many of the principles I discuss here and in session, but hopefully they will give you a sense of community support as you embark on discovering a more positive relationship with your self and your food.

Four Body Positive Podcasts to Check out this Summer 

Food Psych – Intuitive Eating, Positive Body Image and Eating Disorder Recovery

Dietitians Unplugged – Exploring Health and Wellness from a New Perspective

Body Kindness with Rebecca Scritchfield, RD

Please note: some of Rebecca’s most recent podcast episodes are for adult ears only, covering sex-related topics, and do not necessarily match up with my own personal views on sexual relationships. 

Every Body by Daria Matza

Do you have a favorite body positive podcast you like to listen to? Share it on Facebook!