Cilantro Avocado and Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Cilantro Avocado Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Cilantro Avocado Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Cilantro Avocado Tuna Salad Sandwiches
Cilantro Avocado and Tuna Salad Sandwiches
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With only 6 ingredients, this tuna salad recipe is as easy as it is delicious. Give your next sandwich an upgrade with this super easy recipe.
Servings Prep Time
2 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Cilantro Avocado Tuna Salad Sandwiches
Cilantro Avocado and Tuna Salad Sandwiches
BigOven - Save recipe or add to grocery list
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With only 6 ingredients, this tuna salad recipe is as easy as it is delicious. Give your next sandwich an upgrade with this super easy recipe.
Servings Prep Time
2 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
  1. In a small bowl, mix tuna, lime juice, avocado, onion, Greek yogurt and cilantro. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired.
  2. Scoop mixture into pita pockets.
  3. Serve and enjoy!
Recipe Notes

This recipe was adapted from and inspired by the Healthy Avocado Chicken Salad recipe featured on Family Fresh Meals.

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Wild Blueberry Wake Up and Go Go Smoothie

Wild Blueberry Smoothie

Wild Blueberry Smoothie

Wild Blueberry Smoothie
Wild Blueberry Wake Up and Go Go Smoothie
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This wild blueberry smoothie will wake you up in the morning or pick you up mid-afternoon. Featuring fresh fruit and Greek yogurt you'll love this flavorful and refreshing drink.
Servings Prep Time
4 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Wild Blueberry Smoothie
Wild Blueberry Wake Up and Go Go Smoothie
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This wild blueberry smoothie will wake you up in the morning or pick you up mid-afternoon. Featuring fresh fruit and Greek yogurt you'll love this flavorful and refreshing drink.
Servings Prep Time
4 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 5 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for approximately 40 seconds.
  2. Serve and enjoy!
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Basic Quinoa Recipe



Basic Quinoa Recipe
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Make fluffy, delicious quinoa every single time with this basic 4 ingredient recipe.
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25 minutes 5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25 minutes 5 minutes
Basic Quinoa Recipe
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Make fluffy, delicious quinoa every single time with this basic 4 ingredient recipe.
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25 minutes 5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25 minutes 5 minutes
  1. In a medium sauce pan, combine quinoa, chicken broth, garlic and shallot. Bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to low, cover, and let simmer for 15 minutes or until water is fully absorbed.
  3. Remove from heat and let quinoa sit for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork, serve, and enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Make a batch of quinoa at the beginning of the week to serve as a base for lunches and dinners throughout the week.


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Need More Fiber in Your Life? Here Are 5 Foods To Help (And Whole Wheat Pasta Isn’t One of Them!)

fiber rich foods

Fiber. It’s an important nutrient we all need to feel our best. But for many of us, knowing we need it isn’t enough. In fact, most Americans struggle to find and enjoy enough fiber-rich foods to meet their daily needs. In case your curious, women typically need between 21 and 25 grams each day while men need between 30 and 38 grams.

fiber rich foods

Fun fact: Most Americans, on average, only get about 15 grams of fiber each day.

Fiber can be beneficial to your meal plan for a variety of reasons – improved digestive health, reduced risk of certain cancers, and lower cholesterol levels – just to name a few. But what I love about fiber is the delicious food it’s often found in. These foods tend to contain other important nutrients too and, when incorporated consistently into your meals and snacks, may help you better regulate hunger and satisfy your appetite.

Now before you automatically envision cardboard-like bars, breads or pastas, keep in mind that these aren’t the only fiber-rich foods on the market. I hear all the time from clients that either they or members of family just can’t stomach the texture of these particular foods. Lucky for them, and you, it is possible to meet your daily fiber goals without these particular fiber-rich options.

Fiber can be found in many foods, but these are some of my favorite non-grain options.

Black Beans. Omelets, quesadillas, and on top of sweet potatoes are just a few of my favorite ways to enjoy black beans. And guess what? There are approximately 15 grams of fiber in each cup!

Artichokes. This may be a less familiar veggie for you and your family, but there are a lot of ways to creatively add it to your meals and snacks. As you discover ways to add it to you day, keep in mind that a medium artichoke will provide you with approximately 10 grams of fiber every time.

Raspberries. Although you’ll find fiber in a variety of fruits, raspberries pack a major fiber punch! One cup of raspberries will increase the fiber content of your meal or snack by about 8 grams.

Flax seed. Although 2 grams of fiber may seem small in comparison to the amounts other foods listed here provide, keep in mind that the serving size for ground flax seed is a lot smaller too. In just a tablespoon you’ll find those 2 grams of fiber and this can be easy enough to sprinkle on top of your favorite cereal, yogurt or smoothie.

Avocado. Another great way to top off your meal with fiber is to top it off with a few slices of avocado. Despite its softer texture, it’s actually another fiber powerhouse with 3 grams of fiber in each serving. And by the way, a serving is just 1/3 of an avocado – not the whole thing.  Doable right? And avocados are a great example of a food with multiple benefits per serving thanks to the 20+ nutrients it contains.

Related: Avocado and Turkey Breast English Muffin Sliders

Meeting fiber goals doesn’t have to be complicated. Get curious in the kitchen and begin exploring basic foods that allow you to feel your best both now and in the future.

31 Daily Challenges to Eat Your Best This Year

31 Daily Challenges to Eat Your Best

Did you know that “get healthy” was the most searched for new year’s resolution last year? So of course, I had to type it in.  And guess what I discovered? Over 521,000,000 clickable resources to choose from. That’s a WHOLE lot of information!! Some of it is probably great, a lot of it is probably junk, but either way, none of it will impact you either way if you don’t decide to take action.

Becoming a healthier person sounds pretty good, but it can mean so many different things. If getting healthier is truly what you want to do, then it’s incredibly important to get more specific with what you hope to do and why. You may find that it doesn’t even require an entire year of different – but instead one or two small changes you can implement each and every day. Tackling health this way will allow your goals to be more specific and give you more opportunity to see successes or make changes to your plan if needed.

31 Daily Challenges to Eat Your Best

Unlike broad, long-term goals, daily challenges are much more likely to be achieved and, BONUS, will still get you to where you want to be – overall healthier! Not sure what daily challenge you should take on? Here are 31 different ideas to actually “get healthy” this year.

Challenge #1: Make a list of your favorite nourishing foods. The foods you eat should be satisfying, but sometimes we look at a list of foods that are good for us thinking we have to select ONLY the ones that we’ve heard are “super” or we think we HAVE to eat. Wrong! Nourishing foods should be those that offer up nutrition AND enjoyment. So make a list. Once you’ve identified what nutrient-rich foods work for you, look for ways to incorporate them into your meals and snacks regularly to promote good health.

Not quite sure where to start? Check out my food list starter – it’s got some of my favorite nourishing foods on it and you may enjoy them too. PS – if you find it difficult to identify foods that offer up nutrition and enjoyment, it may be time to start experimenting with foods in the kitchen. Different prep and cooking methods may change the way you think about certain foods you’ve snubbed in the past.

Challenge #2: Keep a journal for food thoughts. Unlike other food journals, this one is less about how much you eat and more about why you eat. Write down food thoughts that occur throughout the day and see if you can learn anything about your current food habits through this practice.

Challenge #3: Stock your pantry with herbs and spices. If you want to add flavor to your dishes, herbs and spices are a must. They often have their own added health benefits too, so its a win-win in your kitchen. Consider adding just one a week and experiment with it at meals.

Challenge #4: Find a new recipe to try. To prevent your healthy eating plan from becoming stale, don’t forget to keep things interesting. Find a recipe that looks appealing and give it a whirl. Try to find a recipe with at least one ingredient you don’t use on a regular basis. I have a lot of great recipes for you to choose from if you need a little help getting started.

Challenge #5: Go grocery shopping with a list. Before you can eat well, you have to stock your pantry well. Make a list and head to the grocery store. Think through what meals you want to make and get the necessary ingredients.

Challenge #6: Swap out your large dinner plate for a smaller salad plate. No matter what you eat, portion sizes can help keep your foods in proportion. Smaller plates also allow you to check in on hunger cues sooner since most of us eat until our plate is cleared. Smaller plate, less food, earlier hunger cue check-in time.

Challenge #7: Switch out high-calorie beverages for lower-calorie ones. Soda, sweetened tea, and flavored coffee drinks are notorious for being high in non-satisfying calories. Don’t drink your daily energy needs through beverages alone. Instead, add just a splash of milk to coffee, drink your tea unsweetened, or add a little flavor to your water by adding your favorite frozen fruits or vegetables to the glass.

Challenge #8: Recreate your favorite restaurant dish at home. Instead of dining out, try to recreate your favorite restaurant meal at home. Odds are you’ll consume a more nourishing dish and you’ll have another opportunity to get more comfortable combining different foods and ingredients in your kitchen.

Challenge #9. Try to get 3-4 food groups in at each meal. Once of the best ways to make a meal more flavorful, interesting, and exciting is to use a variety of ingredients. To make sure your meal is nutritionally adequate, focusing on inclusion of 3-4 food groups can be a great way to diversify your meal and feel more satisfaction from it afterwards.

Challenge #10. Create an emergency snack pack. Hunger can strike anytime and often it’s when we are least prepared. To ensure better eating throughout the day, create an emergency snack pack and store it at work, in your car, in your bag, or in your purse. Fill it with foods that will provide you with fiber, protein, and fat.

Challenge #11. Make a meal plan. If you’ve never made a meal plan before, you may find it to be a helpful tool in ensuring you always have the right ingredients on hand. Plan for a day, a week, or a month – whichever works best for you and your schedule.

Curious what my meal plan routine looks like? I share it with you here.

Challenge #12. Eat breakfast daily. If you aren’t a breakfast eater already, make an attempt to incorporate this meal into your day. It’s super important and can be a great way to jump start your morning.  Worried because you don’t like the taste of breakfast food? Think beyond eggs and cereal – rice, beans, and even pizza can all be deliciously nutritious breakfast options.

Challenge #13. Try to honor your hunger. Can you tell when your body is hungry? Those internal signals can be hard to hear, so with this challenge, try to pay special attention. The key to managing weight is identifying hunger as soon as it strikes so you can fuel your body appropriately. Waiting too long can often result in overeating.

Challenge #14. Try to honor your fullness. Eat slowly at meals and try to identify when you are comfortably satisfied, not overly full. When you feel satisfied, stop eating. Remember, you can always have a snack later on if hunger strikes again.

Challenge #15. Try a new food. Go to the grocery store and choose one new-to-you food to try. Figure out how to incorporate it into a recipe and see if you can discover what sort of benefits it offers your meal plan.

Challenge #16. Plan a meat-free meal. Lean meats offer a lot nutritionally, but often we forget about many of the plant-based sources of protein and miss out on the benefits they too provide. By planning a meat-free meal, you’ll have to get a little creative and incorporate ingredients that may often get left out.

Challenge #17. Visit a local establishment that’s doing interesting things with nutrient-rich foods. Whether its a co-op or a restaurant featuring farm to table cuisine, see what your community has to offer in the world of food. Often these places offer a unique experience that can make eating well feel special, not like a punishment.

Challenge #18. Invite friends over for a meal. If you want your eating habits to stick, you have to make them the new normal. Consider hosting dinner at your house and make something nutritious and delicious. Your friends will probably love the opportunity to try something new.

Challenge #19. Create a more nutrient-rich dessert and share it with your neighbors. Baking cookies can be a lot of fun and is a tradition for many, but who says you can’t improve upon an old recipe? Make cookies with better-for-you ingredients and then share them with a neighbor. You’ll have fun baking and make someone’s day by bringing them delicious treats.

Challenge #20. Set and Share Your Goals. If you want change to occur, you have to know why you want change to begin with. Set realistic and specific goals for yourself and share them with others. I always enjoy hearing about the successes my readers have, so feel free to share your story with me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Challenge #21. Let go of certain foods. If you are sick and tired of bananas, stop eating bananas. Yes, they do offer you quality nutrition, BUT why not give them up to make room for other fruits to try during this season? Make a list of foods you are tired off and take a break from them. Make room for more new-to-you foods.

Challenge #22. Create an “eating-only” zone. It’s hard to focus on things like hunger and fullness cues if you have multiple distractions pulling you in all different directions. Eat intentionally by creating zones where you can focus on the process of eating. The dining room table is a common zone, but at work it could be a table in your break-room, a seat by a window, or a bench in the hallway. Anywhere that you won’t be distracted by work, television, computers, or your cell phone.

Challenge #23. Rethink a favorite meal. You don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to eating more nutritiously. Many of your favorite meals may already offer a lot from a nutritional perspective and you already know that you enjoy them. Write down ways that you could make your favorite meal even better for you. Maybe its revamping the ingredient list or adding a vegetable or fruit based side.

Challenge #24. Make family time, cooking time. Just like having a family game night, an evening in the kitchen is a great way to spend time together. Choose a recipe or host your own family version of Chopped with whatever ingredients you have on hand. See who can come up with the most creative dish using the most nutrient-rich ingredients. Who knows? You may even develop a new family favorite.

Challenge #25. Try a new grain. Wheat isn’t the only nutrient-rich grain on the block anymore. Quinoa, oats, bulgur, brown rice, barley, rye, and buckwheat are just a few more unique grain varieties. They all offer a lot nutritionally and can add a little depth and creativity to your current meal plan.

Challenge #26. Take the fiber challenge. Only 1 out of 10 Americans get enough fiber on a daily basis, which is unfortunate because many fiber-rich foods offer a variety of other important nutrients. too. If you are a woman, try to get 25 grams of fiber daily. For men, aim for 38 grams. Incorporating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes can all help you achieve that goal.

Challenge #27. Pack a lunch. If you want to eat well and keep your portions in check, you may find packing lunch to be extremely helpful. Take the opportunity to pack a well-balance meal (3-4 food groups) and foods you love.

Challenge #28. Attend a cooking class or follow one online. If you aren’t sure how to get started in the kitchen, consider taking a class or two. Find one locally or search for one online that you can do in your own kitchen. Again, the more comfortable you get with the process and various ingredients, the easier it will be to whip up a variety of tasty options.

Challenge #29. Prep meals in advance. If you want to eat more nourishing meals, but don’t feel like you have the time to create something at home each night, consider prepping some of your meals or at least some of the ingredients in advance. Set a date and time and stick to it.

Challenge #30. Buy a new cookbook. Exploring new cuisines can be as easy as picking up a new cookbook from a local bookstore or off of Amazon. Make a plan to try the recipes throughout the book on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.

Challenge #31. Get creative with juice. For an extra kick of flavor, consider adding your favorite 100% juice to your foods. Grape juice with red meat or orange juice with chicken. Citrus juice can also add a lot of flavor to your favorite veggies or salad.